


Recognize Uniqueness

Recognize Uniqueness

Utilize Experience

Utilize Experience

Implement Change

Implement Change

Leverage Resources

Leverage Resources

Achieve Results

Achieve Results



A hands-on approach to assessing the unique organizational structure, needs and culture of each client. The evaluation/audit allows consultants to see into the organization as an objective, third party. The client receives unbiased information about the status and progress of their organization or project.

Recognize Uniqueness

Recognize Uniqueness

Determine what makes the client unique to the stakeholders they serve and customize recommended solutions to fit that environment.
Utilize Experience

Utilize Experience

SeaCrest has successfully guided more than 300 programs through ABSNC, ANSI, and NCCA accreditation.

Implement Change

Implement Change

Seek to promote professionalism by meeting deadlines, assuring quality work, and producing tangible results.
Leverage Resources

Leverage Resources

Leveraging resources is a two-fold approach. First, we draw on our years of experience in the professional certification industry to provide the services clients need to achieve their goals. Second, we work with clients to evaluate the resources and expertise they have and currently use before determining a course of action.

Achieve Results

Achieve Results

Clearly define objectives and tools to evaluate project status and progress. Provide clients with tactics to achieve realistic and achievable results in a timely and agreed upon manner.